"Many people are increasingly aware of, and can feel the subtle energies that surround them in their everyday life. These subtle energies whether they can be felt or not, have an effect on everybody's state of health and well being." Glenyss Bourne
Toxic Energy Overload
Many illnesses are now being attributed to toxic energy overload. This can take the form of simple physical pollution of the air we breathe and the food we eat; or the more subtle pollution by negative earth energies, elelectro magnetic radiation or negative psychic energies. Fortunately there are many simple inexpensive ways to help to neutralize many of these problems. The first step is to become aware that these subtle energies do exist!
Toxic Energy Overload and Children's Health
Children are often the first to be affected by these toxic energies as they are often more sensitive than adults and can feel the difference between life enhancing energy and toxic energies. Many children who have behavioral disorders are actually suffering from toxic energy overload in one form or another.
Many illnesses are now being attributed to toxic energy overload. This can take the form of simple physical pollution of the air we breathe and the food we eat; or the more subtle pollution by negative earth energies, elelectro magnetic radiation or negative psychic energies. Fortunately there are many simple inexpensive ways to help to neutralize many of these problems. The first step is to become aware that these subtle energies do exist!
Toxic Energy Overload and Children's Health
Children are often the first to be affected by these toxic energies as they are often more sensitive than adults and can feel the difference between life enhancing energy and toxic energies. Many children who have behavioral disorders are actually suffering from toxic energy overload in one form or another.
Many children can feel or see or psychic energies. This ability often diminishes as the child approaches adolescence. If the child is in an environment where there is a lot of negative emotion or the presence of drugs or alcohol, this can lower the vibration and attract negative entities. Many children have trouble sleeping or wet the bed, simply because they feel unsafe and threatened, particularly when it is dark or if they sleep in a room on their own.
Flower Essences to Uplift Energies
We have had great success in treating this type of anxiety with Flower Remedies such as Clearing, Cleansing and Protection Remedy which can be sprayed around the room and around the child's energy field. This also helps to cleanse and seal the aura and clear negative energies. Many children who are difficult to get to bed and have trouble going to sleep, settle down peacefully if Clearing, Cleansing and Protection Remedy is sprayed over their head and shoulders and around the room before bedtime. Other children have ceased bed wetting when this remedy is sprayed in their bedrooms.
Other Flower Essences that are helpful to children are:
We have had great success in treating this type of anxiety with Flower Remedies such as Clearing, Cleansing and Protection Remedy which can be sprayed around the room and around the child's energy field. This also helps to cleanse and seal the aura and clear negative energies. Many children who are difficult to get to bed and have trouble going to sleep, settle down peacefully if Clearing, Cleansing and Protection Remedy is sprayed over their head and shoulders and around the room before bedtime. Other children have ceased bed wetting when this remedy is sprayed in their bedrooms.
Fidgit Midgit flower Remedy is great for schools, kindergartens, or for use at home for harassed mums. This Remedy is useful for adults who have trouble concentrating, as well as children of all ages. It is designed to promote calmness in children and may have a beneficial effect in calming aggressive and disruptive behaviour. Sprayed in the air it can help to create a stress free environment and promote a healthy atmosphere for learning.

Use Trauma Remedy for shock, accidents, sudden illness, crisis, or trauma of any type. It can assist to alleviate feelings of apprehension, fear or just unable to cope. Trauma Remedy helps to overcome anger, fear, panic, or any strong overwhelming emotions. It can be used every half hour if necessary.
Inspirational Angel Art and Paintings Uplift Energies and Calm the Atmosphere
Inspirational Spir
itual Art also helps to dissipate negative energies and raise the vibration. Even small paintings which hold an Angelic vibrational help to us to connect to our Guardian Angels and uplift the atmosphere. Angel Paintings can be placed on the wall or smaller ones may be placed on a bedside table to help to uplift and cleanse the atmosphere.

Talk to your children about their Guardian Angels and remind them to ask for angelic help if they feel anxious or uneasy. I am sure that they will feel the energies of the Angels and be calmed by their presence.
Chakra Cards These Chakra Cards are amazing. They are based on Glenyss Bourne's "Angels in Nature" Flower Paintings which hold an Angelic Energy. On the reverse side is an original Chakra Mandala for each chakra which also has the vibration of the Angels embedded in it. The Chakra Cards can be used for Chakra cleansing and balancing of the Chakras in many ways. The Chakra Cards also to help to increase your awareness of the chakras in meditation. The Chakra Cards come with instructions for use.
Glenyss Bourne's Chakra Cards are becoming very popular with healers as they support the overall healing process and amplify the healing energy available during healing. They can be used in combination with the Crystal Clear Chakra Sprays which also enhance and amplify the healing energy and balance and clear the chakras quickly and elegantly.
Set of hand made, energy enhanced Chakra Cards $35.00
Chakra Sprays
The Anaheart Crystal Clear Range of Chakra Sprays is designed to assist to cleanse, balance and align the Chakras.
The importance of proper function in the chakra system, and good physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health, has been understood for centuries.
It is believed that imbalances in the chakras, may manifest as pain, emotional and physical imbalances or blocks on many levels. This can be caused by a result of stress, past emotions and experiences.
The Chakra balance range was designed to realign and energize the chakras. We have covered the seven major chakras. Discomfort and problems in various areas of the body will often relate to the chakra closest to that affected area.
Crystal Clear Chakra Balance Sprays can be used to assist and maintain proper functioning in each chakra and may be used together and in conjunction with the other spiritual range of sprays to promote wellbeing on all levels.
Click here for more information about the Chakras and Spiritual Evolution
Glenyss Bourne's Chakra Cards are becoming very popular with healers as they support the overall healing process and amplify the healing energy available during healing. They can be used in combination with the Crystal Clear Chakra Sprays which also enhance and amplify the healing energy and balance and clear the chakras quickly and elegantly.
Set of hand made, energy enhanced Chakra Cards $35.00

The Anaheart Crystal Clear Range of Chakra Sprays is designed to assist to cleanse, balance and align the Chakras.
The importance of proper function in the chakra system, and good physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health, has been understood for centuries.
It is believed that imbalances in the chakras, may manifest as pain, emotional and physical imbalances or blocks on many levels. This can be caused by a result of stress, past emotions and experiences.
The Chakra balance range was designed to realign and energize the chakras. We have covered the seven major chakras. Discomfort and problems in various areas of the body will often relate to the chakra closest to that affected area.
Crystal Clear Chakra Balance Sprays can be used to assist and maintain proper functioning in each chakra and may be used together and in conjunction with the other spiritual range of sprays to promote wellbeing on all levels.
Click here for more information about the Chakras and Spiritual Evolution
Everybody has the Power to Heal
The ability to heal yourself and others by accessing healing energies from the ethers, is an inate Human ability. We all have it! All we have to do is rediscover and awaken these abilities. Meditation and other Spiritual disciplines, which help to connect you to your Spirit, are often the catalysts which open the pathways to these abilities.
To read more about Spiritual evolution and raising your vibration click here
To read more about Spiritual evolution and raising your vibration click here
Reiki is one of the most popular and easiest way to provide both a means to connect to your Higher Spiritual Self, and the ability to heal yourself and others. While it is not absolutely necessary to learn Reiki in order to become a Healer, it certainly strengthens any innate healing abilities you have and also offers protection to the newly developed Healer. To find out more about Reiki Click here.

Silver in a colloidal form disables many bacteria and viruses . It can be made for very little cost in your own home using a Colloidal Silver Generator. To find out more about Colloidal Silver Click here
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Copyright Glenyss Bourne 2008 all rights reserved.